PURE Player for Flash User Guide
ImmerVision’s multimedia solutions are built around PURE (Panorama Universal Rendering Engine) technology. Available only with ImmerVision software, this exclusive technology has expanded the horizons for multimedia content creators working with panoramic imagery.
PURE Player panoramic image viewers combine superior performance capabilities with optimal viewing ease on either a standard office PC monitor or a pocket computer.
PURE TOOLS is a highly evolved suite of tools that lets you take full advantage of the innovative functionalities of PURE Player and PURE Player PRO panorama viewers. These tools include a range of functionalities for both professionals and amateurs to work with, including the options to:
- Edit panoramas: Convert formats, add effects, create virtual visits
- Publish panoramas: Create Web pages, package files, encrypt data
- View panoramas: Directly access the most recent PURE Player and PURE Player PRO viewers, customize the PURE Player PRO viewer, and more.
PURE is a collection of high-performance algorithms dedicated to projecting, controlling and viewing photos and videos in a virtual 3D space. Accessible through its own API, PURE is featured in all ImmerVision new-generation viewers, in order to guarantee top performance levels and maximum quality results with all compatible platforms.
The system requirements to run PURE Player for Flash is to have a web browser with version 9.0 or greater of Adobe® Flash Player.
PURE Player for Flash can display all IVP files (packaged) created with Package Maker or Panorama Filemaker which are provided in the PURE STARTER TOOLKIT software suite. You can find more information about these programs here.
PURE Player for Flash also supports IVP panoramas encrypted with Package Crypter.
Moving inside a panorama is very easy. Just click and hold your mouse's left button and move the mouse in the direction you want to see. You can zoom in or out by clicking and holding the right mouse button and moving your mouse. The zoom functions can also be accessed in two other ways, either by using the Shift key to zoom in, and the Control key to zoom out, or by using your mouse scroll wheel.
One of the main concepts behind PURE Player is the clean separation between the panorama and the PURE Player viewer. The panorama and its metadata ( GPS, field-of-view, copyright,... ) are all contained in a single IVP file. This IVP file can be displayed with any of the free PURE Player viewers.
There are many advantages to this architecture such as better performance and more flexibility.
The IVP is the panorama itself with its meta-data ( gps, field-of-view, author and copyright notices )
To launch the PURE Player for Flash viewer in you webpage, you need to create an object in a web browser supporting version 9.0 or greater of Adobe® Flash Player (version 9,0,28,0 or greater to have fullscreen mode available).
To ensure compatibity across browsers, you will need to use both an <embed> tag and an <object> tag. This is because the <object> tag is recognized by Internet Explorer, and Netscape/Mozilla recognizes the <embed> tag and ignores the <object> tag.
Your HTML will look like the following code :
<objectclassid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"id="PurePlayer"width="400"height="240"codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab #version=9,0,0,0"><paramname="movie"value="PurePlayer.swf"/><paramname="allowScriptAccess"value="sameDomain"/><paramname="allowFullScreen"value="true"/><paramname="flashvars"value="panorama=myPano.ivp"/><embedsrc="PurePlayer.swf"width="400"height="240"name="PurePlayer"align="middle"play="true"loop="false"quality="high"allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"allowFullScreen="true"flashvars="panorama=myPano.ivp"type="application/x-shockwave-flash"pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed></object>
The basic set of parameters used in the above example set the width of the viewer to 400 pixels, the height to 240 pixels and the panorama filepath is myPano.ivp
If you want to specify more parameters, simply append them to the flashvars parameter value in the same way you would set a GET variable, such as in the example:
The above example sets the mousespeed to 50.2 and the bgcolor to 0xff0000ff.
You can customize the PURE Player viewing experience by setting the following parameters:
This parameter is the relative path to the IVP file that you want to display.
Possible values:
- "path/to/my/panorama.ivp"
This parameter allows you to define how you want to use antialiasing for your panoramas.
Possible values:
- "none" : no antialiasing.
- "onstop" : antialiasing when mouse is released. (default value)
This setting changes the number of polygons the rendering engine uses. The higher the number, the more precise and smooth the image will be. This however represents more work for your processor and therefore limits the speed of the rendering.
Possible values:
- integers from 100 to 1000
This parameter changes the default background color of the viewer. Transparency is also supported.
Possible values:
- "0x8055ff55" : green (55ff55) background with a transparency of 50% (80)
This parameter changes the default background color of the viewer. Transparency is also supported.
Possible values:
- "true" : hide the PURE Player user interface.
- "false" : display the PURE Player user interface. (default value)
This parameter changes the sensitivity of the mouse. The value is a percentage of the default speed.
Possible values:
- "50" : the value is a float percentage of the default mouse speed
This parameter allows you to configure the slow down speed of the movement when you release the mouse.
Possible values:
- float between 0 and 500
PURE Player for Flash also supports internationalisation. You can change the default messages shown on the user interface by supplying the following parameters in UTF-8 encoding.
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the zoom-in button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the zoom-out button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the hotspots button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the lights button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the autopath button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the fullscreen button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the exitfullscreen button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the info button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the tooltip text shown when hovering the help button:
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
This parameter changes the content of the 'fullscreen warning' window. This window is displayed when the user clicks on the fullscreen button whereas fullscreen mode is not available (either the version of Adobe® previous than 9,0,28,0 or the "allowFullSceen" Flash parameter is set to false)
Some basic HTML tags are supported:
For carriage return, use <br>
For tab character, use 	
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
fullscreencontenttext=Fullscreen mode not available:<br>	please download version 9,0,28,0 or greater of Adobe® Flash Player <br>	or set allowFullScreen to true
Will write in the content help window:
Fullscreen mode not available:
please download version 9,0,28,0 or greater of Adobe® Flash Player
or set allowFullScreen to true
This parameter changes the content of the 'help' window.
Some basic HTML tags are supported:
For carriage return, use <br>
For tab character, use 	
Possible values:
- UTF-8 encoded string
helpcontenttext=My help text:<br>	use mouse to move<br>	and keyboard to zoom
Will write in the content help window:
My help text:
use mouse to move
and keyboard to zoom
This section includes a set of best practices that make deploying IVP panoramas with PURE Player an easier task. These best practices also promote the best viewing experience for your users.
On the server:
It is important to ensure that your web server is configured to handle the IVP MIME types correctly. In the case of the popular Apache webserver, you will need to include these lines in the relevant configuration file (httpd.conf or apache2.conf) :
AddType application/vnd.immervision-ivp
AddType application/vnd.immervision-ivu
The other consideration on your server is to keep the PurePlayer.swf file above your IVP panoramas in the folder hierarchy. The security permissions management on certain platforms prevents the Flash Player from accessing content located above the Flash SWF file.
In your webpage :
You should ensure that your user has the Adobe Flash plugin installed in the appropriate version. To check for this, you can use the official Adobe® Flash Player Detection kit. This dectection kit includes various techniques for automating the installation of the Flash Player plugin in your user's browsers.